Couple sues Marie Stopes over unplanned child - Princess Newz

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Couple sues Marie Stopes over unplanned child

The two say they were advised by Marie Stopes, to undergo a bilateral tubal litigation, a surgical procedure that involves blocking the fallopian tubes to prevent the ovum from being fertilised. The procedure, considered a permanent form of birth control, is done by cutting, burning or removing sections of the fallopian tubes.
On the basis that they already had a sizeable number of children and faced financial constraints, the couple took the advice of the health service provider and underwent the procedure with an assurance that Mary would never conceive again. However, the distressed couple says that in early 2016, they were shocked to learn that Mary was pregnant.
The couple says it has so far incurred a cost of Shs2.5 million as expenses of raising the unplanned child and that they have been subjected to stress and pain resulting from the negligence and false assurances.
They now want court to order Marie Stopes to compensate them with the Shs2.5 million that they have so far spent and to also take over the responsibility of raising the child in question. Marie Stopes Uganda is part of the Marie Stopes International non-governmental organisation providing contraception and safe abortion service in 37 countries around the world.

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