American Singer Jennifer Grout Converts To Islam - Princess Newz

Friday, 10 January 2014

American Singer Jennifer Grout Converts To Islam

American singer and contestant of Arabs Got Talent show Jennifer
Grout has converted to Islam, according to media reports. In a video which
is circulated on internet Jennifer Grout is seen in the video where she
is reciting the Shahada, or declaration of faith, saying, “there is no
god but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet.”

Jennifer also recited Surat Al-Fatihah in front of two men. Jennifer
converted to Islam during her stay in Morocco to study Arabic language.
In a video posted on YouTube on 5th January, a man asked Jennifer “do
you know how to say Shahada in Islam on which Jennifer Grout recited

However still Jennifer Grout has to confirm this and reply from
Jennifer in this regard is still awaited. The 23-year-old Jennifer Grout
is originally from Boston, US and she has come to Morocco to learn both
the Amazigh language and Moroccan Arabic.

Many people in Pakistan after watching the video and hearing about this news has congratulated Jennifer on social media.

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