Acupuncture and Biofeedback - Princess Newz

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Acupuncture and Biofeedback

The use of acupuncture dates back more than 2,000 years.  This is a traditional medicine of Japan, China, and other Eastern countries
The use of acupuncture is beneficial in that it stimulates areas of the
body that have a direct correlation to internal organs.  By placing
fine needles into specific points, the body is encouraged to promote
natural healing, improve function, and provide an overall boost to your
system.  When these needles are inserted, they go into Meridians, which
are channels somewhat like streams within the body.  Just as there might
be a boulder sitting in a stream blocking the flow of water, it can be
the same for the channels of blood in your system.  Acupuncture helps to
remove these obstacles by providing stimulation, thus improving health.


Biofeedback is a method used to help blood pressure, muscle tension,
heart rates, brain activity, and other bodily functions.  Basically,
biofeedback is a painless system that is hooked up to your body and then
through electrical signals received from tightening of your muscles,
you would be able to receive those signals by a light telling you that
you are tightening your muscles.  This in turn trains you to be aware of
when you are bringing on stress and to help you identify when you need
to relax your body.  Biofeedback is very successful and can be used for
migraine headaches, chronic pain, high blood pressure, epilepsy, and
much more, which can occur when you tense up.

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